City Calendar

2021 Comprehensive Plan

Event Location

Chambers of the Jonesboro Police Department
Start Date

7/07/2021 06:00 PM
End Date

7/07/2021 06:00 PM

Jonesboro Forward 

The City of Jonesboro Mayor & City Council is holding its initial public hearing regarding the 2021 Comprehensive Plan on July 12, 2021. The Public Hearing will be held during the Regular Meeting of the Jonesboro City Council beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Hearing will be held in the Chambers of the Jonesboro Police Department.

The purpose of this hearing is to brief the community on the process to be used to develop the plan, opportunities for public participation in development of the plan, and to obtain input on the proposed planning process. Working in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, the City, over the rest of 2021 will be updating its Comprehensive Plan with the selection of a new stakeholder committee, the holding of open houses for community input, and diligently incorporating all of the many quality of life features (LCI study, creation of Overlay Districts, etc.) into the new Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land Use Map. The City has changed dramatically in the past 5 years since the last Comprehensive Plan was updated, and the new plan needs to reflect the new dynamic and future goals of Jonesboro. Your input is valuable to us.

View the memo