Office of the City Manager

Hello and thank you for visiting the City Manager's Office. The Office of City Manager is dedicated to providing a variety of services to the public, City Council and staff. We remain committed to being responsive to serving the needs of our community. 

With a population of nearly 5,000, swelling to a daytime population estimated at approximately 20,000, I believe you will come to see and agree with me that the City of Jonesboro possesses a dynamic business environment while maintaining its friendly and unique small-town character. As your City Administrator, I am committed to doing what it takes to foster a favorable economic climate and ensure prompt and courteous service by the city so that out City may continue to grow, flourish and become an integral part of Historic Jonesboro.

My staff is willing and equipped to help you and your business with any problems or issues that may arise pertaining to the services we offer, from sanitation to permits, licensing and more. In addition, I am always interested in your input. To help you become more vested with our City and its' happenings, we ask that you browse our website ( and sign up for our e-notifications service. 

The City Manager is responsible for coordinating, administering and supervising all decisions, regulations and polices of Mayor & Council. In addition, the City Manager develops operational objectives, policies and programs necessary for sound conduct of administrative operations. The City Manager's Office is the custodian of all City records. The City Manager prepares all agendas. The City Manager authenticates by signature and serves as the custodian of Minutes, Resolutions, Ordinances and other official documents. The City Manager also handles all requests under the Georgia Open Records Act. The City Manager serves as Superintendent of Elections for all City elections. The office of City Manager also serves as the Personnel Administration Office to include the responsibilities of employee recruitment, workers compensation & employment benefits administration. The City Manager oversees the preparation of business licenses, alcohol licenses, and oversees activities of account receivables, accounts payables, payroll and other tasks. In addition, the City Manager serves as the Executive Director of the Jonesboro Downtown Development Authority.

About the City Manager

View the 2014 Annual Report as issued by the City Manager

City Manager

Office - (770) 478-3800

Fax - (770) 478-3775



Executive Assistant
Shelby Bentley

Office - (770) 478-3800

Fax - (770) 478-3775


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.